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tv   The Next Revolution With Steve Hilton  FOX News  November 27, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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we have one another. we are not going to permit this country to sink, it's just not going to happen, not on our watch, i'll see you next time on "life, liberty and levin." >> when "the next revolution" be in china? as chinese people take to the streets to call for an end to authoritarian lockdown censorship and president xi's rule. good evening hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. life tonight on this holiday weekend.
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t11 this is the home of positive populism, pro-worker, pro-family, pro-community, and especially pro-america. more on the protest in china but first for the government accountability in america as republicans take the majority in the house. they make their accountability would be a central focus. >> out of the homeless government accountable? there is no check and balance but we can bring that. >> we will hold this administration accountable. >> i believe we can hold this administration accountable. tammy: that has been central to complex in bed with lawmakers and regulators and in the administrative state when biden became president we
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launch the biden spot investing —- watching investigations of the aids his brothers frank and james using the name as leverage in the nonstop revolving door between the government with the swamp monsters like exploiting public office for private gain. in the most notable example for the establishment wrongdoing looking into the origins of covid we were the first on television how it broke obama in the trump administration rules to have the risky gain of function the most likely cause of the pandemic to turn it upside down with this change of political control and in the expectation to see more uncovered we're announcing
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tonight a renewed emphasis on accountability. in the weeks and months ahead you will see reporting and investigations not just washington but everywhere they are doing what they need to do to be exposed. with the newly republican-led committees in the house and the handling of the pandemic. and then that disgraceful surrender with catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan and jim jordan from the biden regime and the abuse of the fbi and federal law enforcement the administration's political opponents. and those who have to become a frequent guest on this show in anticipation of this exact moment. the lake the next chair of the house oversight committee into the biden family corruption. >> and covering evidence to
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the benefit of the members of the presidents family these include conspiracy or defrauding the united states. conspiracy to commit wire fraud in violation of the violation and corrupt practices act violation of the trafficking act tax evasion, money laundering and conspiracy to commit money laundering. steve: of course the usual suspects spouted back. >> we republicans that can work together and democrats that can work with republicans we want them to get things done spirit that common ground they really do want both parties to work together. >> we are calling on all parties to come together. steve: because they really
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came together when they were in charge nancy pelosi didn't step up committees are not any old things sensible mainstream and make people's lives better. the democrat-controlled congress is far left policies just stopping that would be positive change and in any case why should be a choice between getting things done and delivering long overdue accountability? that itself is a vital function of government the constitution article one section one all those to be invested in a congress of the united states with the senate and house of representatives us supreme court 1927 the power of inquiry with process to enforce it is essential and appropriate for the legislative function.
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1957 the power the congress to conduct investigation is inherent in the legislative process. james comey announces plans to investigate the president son. >> to make him the focus of the first conference to skew those campaign promises to focus on political opponents such a tired repeat. >> investigating hunter biden and those to investigate it is just theatrics and its worst. >> you have those petty fights like lindsey graham going after hunter biden. >> but it's about joe biden not the president son but the president it's about joe biden acting as the peddling
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operation involving a hostile foreign power while vice president and there is a wider reason the corruption scandal must be fully investigated it is the swamp business model the revolving door between business and government with strategic advice dressing up and in the form of salaries and gifts to family members. because they have been cleaning that for decades. hunter biden's laptop to the gossip and with that systemic structural corruption of the american system. to go on about the plutocracy.
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>> . >> yes, you joe biden in your tire corrupt family that is what this is about the clinton clip talk or see the policy with insider trading and yes it is both sides. look at cheney with the millions they have made with corrupt arms dealers with the industrial complex profiteering from the wars that they push. for years americans have been in despair looking at politicians to see a bunch of people in it for themselves. they are not wrong that's why until trump came along nothing seemed to change but a central
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example the bipartisan establishment consensus the average income of the american worker has been flat are falling for 50 years until the trump blue-collar boone. that's why this matters as long as the politicians are focusing they are on ours there is a huge to expose and uncover and investigate. we are on it we're on the case with renewed emphasis every sunday night to bring you the truth. and with real accountability. that's "the next revolution" that we need. >> share this message when we posted now the man who made it his mission to bring accountability next kentucky
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congressman, i saw you this morning when he asked you going on and on about hunter biden and that there was a number of things that you have the capacity to investigate can you layout the overall strategy of the accountability you hope to bring? >> it's very refreshing to have the media outlet and media personality who is serious about exposing waste and fraud and abuse with a house oversight committee. and then to bring accountability to this administration we know the democrats have turned a blind eye leaving this administration and then also leading them to behave. we want to change that and focus on joe biden reason why we are investigating joe biden
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because he may be compromised that you did a great job to outline at the beginning of the program also looking at the origination of covid-19 we have been looking closely looking at e-mails and correspondence from doctor fauci and doctor collins. and then just giving him a blank check we will really get involved with that. and also looking at what is going on at the southern border. we know the reason is because this administration has a terrible set of border policies this is from the investigators them point. >> end this point that has been made a lot the
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legislative investigations we heard that a lot with a january 6 committee does that apply to any comm committee. >> we need to make some changes to the law. what hunter biden has done that needs to be clear. and obviously we want to prove to the american people what the biden family has done over the past decade and why we believe we have proven that joe biden lied about hunter's shady business dealings and that joe biden was involved and then to make it whether or not he received financial
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benefits and according to the e-mails and text messages he did. we know exactly where to look this investigation should not take that long of the banks cooperate. and then to issue the report and turn it over to the proper authorities with respect to family members and then to improve the disclosure laws especially if they are involved in shady business dealings. steve: thank you for outlining this. but one quick question talk about ways of the example of the covid fraud and over
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$30 billion so specifically could you call gavin newsom to testify how he presided over $30 billion worth? >> that's a great idea. the unemployment insurance fraud. for hundreds of billions of dollars and much of this ended up in foreign countries america's hard earned tax dollars paid for generations ending up in the adversaries pockets. this is wrong someone needs to be held accountable and then to expand unemployment benefits. and they need to be held accountable. steve: i'm sure few well. thank you congressman. joining us now fox news
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contributor sarah carter and jason chaffetz. >> so the congressman looking to be chairman but one of the big issues is will the fbi actually enforce as it relates to joe biden as vice president to bring not only hunter biden but hunter biden's business partner and as i have highlighted with a former fbi director to hunter biden transferring over $100,000 to the biden family as a thank you for their work but then with the former fbi director to work with the department of justice so all these but how
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did they engage to do things in romania and then ending up with $100,000 in the kids trust fund? explained that and why that's not of interest. >> i have to jump in not only is it of interest in a national security risk china is known for the lead capture i have discussed this with peter schweitzer in a talked about on my podcast it is a national security risk to her nation. with a top secret security clearance inviting you hunter biden was conducting for his father or his uncle in the vice president he would be completely removed probably arrested and was fascinating
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to me is the fbi shows no interest in that is what is most concerning the legislature and the congressman and the chairman of the various committees need to disinfect washington dc to expose these for what they are but also need to department of justice that will actually do the job and prosecute when prosecution is needed and investigate when investigations are needed. but they are not doing that. steve: can i get your quick reaction? so what do you make of this jason? i find it thrilling. >> but then to do it knowing that there are videotapes. and look at the cameras going
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they really have a point but believe me china does not like you showing this video. that you will see more and more of it. steve: we'll talk about the iran protest equally later. this is an amazing thing i saw this morning with thanksgiving vacation out pops chris murphy from the terrible shootings last week and said he was talking about one of the locations of the shootings. but you have is correct amendment they have decided that they are going to essentially refuse to implement the laws that are on the books we have to have a conversation whether we can continue to find law
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enforcement and they are refusing to implement the gun laws. >> then they will defined the police but for immigration that's fantastic they are all for that. >> yes the hypocrisy itself this is what the democrats are known for a mass shooting in the nation and other parts of the world we have to look at the social and psychological issues putting all that aside all you have to do is listen to what the democrats are saying to know they are hypocrites because they have district attorneys no bail or low bail and that criminals out on the streets even those carrying weapons reducing the charges they do not care. they do not really care they
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care about playing politics against the constitution and when it comes to immigration just come with me down to the border to realize there is nobody in charge it is complete chaos we don't even know who they are there's not even a national security risk but a humanitarian crisis and if they could get down to the border right now they could secure it. steve: don't hold your breath. great to see when we will see later in the show and we will be right back. t options to help maximize savings. from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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steve: welcome back. on the eve of his retirement felt she was all over the shows with his media fan boys and girls over his legacy. does that include my the most instructive events in the history of the world? and wrecking the economy? he did not even ask but as you know we have laid out the evidence in detail we were the first to do it two years ago. many people still wrongly criticize felt she but it is
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much worse than that was a co-conspirator didn't just give money. and then to get that coronavirus not just a bystander they pushed these reckless experiments and as we documented breaking the obama and trump administration rules in 2011 writing in the "washington post" and engineering and potentially virus that is a risk worth taking and then they took it. they commission the experiments. please stop calling at the china virus of the wuhan virus. and it was is fauci's idea and more accurately would be the
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fauci and collins virus in this week we saw the biden my house instead of being truth and accountability with a half asked cover-up it is a scandal and we must not let it stand joining us now clay travis. >> it is indefensible. if there's not a reckoning than what we saw happening on "face the nation" will continue to happen. felt she was asked can you basically say categorically we will not have a shutdown or lockdown again on schools coming out of the holiday he said no because local officials have to make those decisions and it is emblematic of a failure to acknowledge all the failures that we got
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wrong we should never shutdown tools at all but also to quadruple down. the cdc says we don't tell people what to do we just give recommendations. not just making a decision but to follow the cdc recommendations. and that to be held accountable for the decisions. >> the other thing that is so stunning is double speak from fauci. it is so dishonest on the origins question and said i have an open mind but all the evidence of natural origin
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that is not true and then the pilot circumstantial evidence it was his experiment. >> no doubt. doctor fauci said i am the science of you attack science you are attacking me or if you are attacking your attacking science he felt one and the same but it's always been wrong from the get-go because the very essence of the scientific method was to question everything so wet fauci tried to do was an artificial narrative so anyone that question that narrative essentially is named an enemy of the state. as we break down what's going on the most instructive bureaucrat in the united states history and beyond a shadow of a doubt someone who has committed perjury in his
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testimony in front of congress and i look forward to republicans having control of the house at a minimum to get him back under oath to question him about these issues. but ultimately is the destruction of the public health bureaucrats because thing you want to take a covid test before thanksgiving dinner and that you cannot dial it down even after a third thanksgiving he has broken many people and unfortunately they are on the far left. steve: i was just on vacation with one family member who came here from england and said why do you question everything? i think it's the right mindset to have. wonderful to see you. thank you so much. for tumors the people of iran have been bravely standing up to the vicious brutality of
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the evil regime as they rise up against the islamic republic and the crime of not wearing the close to government instruction we saw courage on display with the road cap the iranian soccer team protested the regime for refusing to seeing the end them. but that of the islamic regime in the occupying force. just what a check for the players to do that these are some of the children, children murdered by the regime the last few weeks. this is the iranian soccer star. and they are supporting the protest you saw what happened to him so as we chair for the us team playing iran on tuesday let's say some chairs for the brave iranian players risking everything to support their countries fight for freedom. freedom. we will be right back.
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steve: all this government overreach and the outlandish rules and regulations are eating with the freedoms for
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the basis of our prosperity but the good news is that good people are fighting back we have the founders of the new organization the global liberty institute working to advance the cause of liberty and promote individual autonomy. doctor scott joined by the codirector. great to see you both. this is a new venture for you it's really exciting tell us more about it. >> global liberty institute is an international independent nonpartisan institute led by our collaboration team policymakers and academics in the us and switzerland to promote individual social and economic freedom. we have seen these things under threat that pandemic
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really exposed what we knew what was happening for many years. but now it's to the point we really need to fight back so we have a network we are forming a series of programs to educate the next generation of policy leaders in the private sector and in the public sector and to let them know they are not alone me well challenge the policies like the world economic forum bragging about infiltrating governments like prime minister trudeau in the president of argentina. this is urgent and frankly
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that fails her we would not be in the predicament that we are in. >> training those the public and private sector that's why so much damage is done in the alliance of the anti- freedom forces. so with the covid emer emergency, they do it all the time to justify a bunch of things. >> thank you for having assigned to talk about this at exactly what happened. the playbook is you declare an emergency then the government uses that to increase its power over individual freedom. during covid raising to 40 percent of gdp and before that was 38 percent because it was ratcheted up after the last crisis so this is exactly
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the ratcheting up that happens the use of powers and you are right and what is particularly dangerous is fighting back with shareholder capitalism and bringing irrational energy policy which is just incredibly important we have been seized by government and big corporations working together to collude to act against the interest of the private economy and we must take a stand to create a network that will give people courage to fight back in the private sector and the government sector and educational sector and beyond. steve: where can people go to find out more quick. >> global —-
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follow us on twitter and answer the network is going. steve: very quick last question. the kind of stuff we used to talk about what about the zero covid policy? >> you have to have complete kool-aid drinking to thank you could eradicate covid from the lockdown that's just denying the science what we are seeing is people waking up in the totalitarian society that frankly has decided it would rather kill people start people and destroy people rather than have them get a virus. 90 percent of people in china have been vaccinated
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90 percent have had covid it is total insanity and i hope americans look at this and realize how irrational policies have been including in the united states. steve: congratulations to both of you on your new venture and thank you for coming on tonight. tonight. we will be right back.k. causegs it's lying dormant, waiting... and could reactivate. shingles strikes as a painful, blistering rash that can last for weeks. and it could wake at any time. think you're not at risk for shingles? it's time to wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention.
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steve: opening to equip the robots best to discharge lethal shotgun shells in those scenarios but in the september meeting between the oakland police department and the oversight council and then with the lethal shotgun round. >> using the live rounds. >> no. is it possible we have an active shooter and that we try to get the person. steve: it is possible? and then to exposed to say the police department no longer wants to explore that option for crisis averted? not so fast police in san francisco propose a policy to
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use deadly force in situation where they are in danger and of course they are the judge of that killer robots what could go wrong? advances in technology are making hollywood fantasy a reality is not entertainment but deadly serious nobody ever asks us about it if we are okay with the rise of the dystopian but not just the killer robots not just the unmanned vehicles authoritarian regimes all over the world we have seen it recently in china with the covid lost him and in singapore with police dogs and hassling people in public spaces and it is frightening to see the authoritarian tactics coming to our shores we cannot just let the bureaucrats and technocrats with the antihuman schemes in our society and also be sure
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as part of corrupt lobbying from tech manufacturers anyway just because something is technologically possible does not mean it is morally desirable or even acceptable. we must fight back against the dehumanization. stay with us. staye aheads. much mor mers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ technically when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but there are ways you can repair it. i'm excited about pronamel repair because it penetrates deep into the tooth to help actively repair acid-weakened enamel. i recommend pronamel repair to my patients. all across the country, people are working hard to build a better future. so we're hard at work, helping them achieve financial freedom. we're investing for our clients in the projects that power our economy.
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from the plains to the coasts, we help americans invest for their future. and help communities thrive.
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steve: jason and sarah are back for this week's closers. now we are stretching the definition we love them both equally how can we choose right after the midterms biden would tell us he would figure the 2024 playing with his family during the holidays. >> my intention is not to run again but i am ever specter of faded is a family decision everybody wants me to run but we will have discussions about it. steve: i guess he changed his mind. >> what is the 2024 conversation how is it going? >> i'm celebrating. steve: what the high prices that you caused or another weekend on vacation ignoring your presidential responsibilities? may be spending this month attacking candidates california governor said he will not challenge him for the
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presidential nomination because he is all in on getting him reelected. [laughter] >> i think he has more to worry about they don't want to ruffle any feathers and then if he goes up against ron desantis. but gavin newsom remember he was the french laundry guy and would see people flocking leaving california coming to texas going to florida there's nothing there to worry about what they are worried about on a more serious note is they don't want the open sea. they are doing it right now there other people running the white house is not really president biden. were even kamala harris.
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it is susan rice and everybody else in the obama's. they are thinking i don't believe they can win. i think that will be to their detriment. steve: this is what everybody looks to 2024. so i get the sense none of them actually is expect them to go through with it. >> run, joe run. go for it i don't think he can get to the next teleprompter engagement but if that's what he thinks that we all know like gavin newsom he looks in the mirror every morning just says hello good morning mr. president that's how he is do you think hillary clinton will just sit by tuesday we went more joe biden quick
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she's doing the same thing. it is a republicans game put up the best candidate and figure how to do early voting. >> hillary is out this week with the clinton foundation is back and now chairing some type of women equality seminar? >> she is posturing herself and putting herself back out there but she has never actually admitted that she has lost in that is surprising. nobody is coming at her for not admitting her own losses. i do think she is posturing and i think they really don't care people feel entitled.
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they think they should just become president because they should be there. i think the american people are wise and are smarter than that. we have seen what has happened with covid and to do such a brilliant job to lay that out. people don't want to see that anymore we see what's going on with the failure of the biden administration. the american people if anything will look to the best person for the job that is what will happen in 2024. gavin newsom can smile all day long in the mirror and throw his hat into the ring but everything he has done in the past will come back to haunt him. and that will happen with hillary as well. the democrats will fire her. looking at new fresh faces in the republicans will do the sa same.
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steve: jason i want to give you last crack but we are out of time. so thank you very much for being with us. we will watch this unfold so the idea that kamala harris will get on the plate will not happen. but we will follow that. the patriot of words are up next be sure to catch the re- air tonight at 10:00 o'clock p.m. and we will see you next sunday when "the next revolution" will be televised. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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